Is The Cross Offensive?

I’ve spent some time this week processing things from my 12 day trip to India. Takes a while to unpack everything emotionally from a trip like that.  One of the biggest surprises looking back on the trip was the openness of the Indian people to the message of the Gospel.

While this was my third trip to India, this was the first trip where I had the opportunity to do a lot of preaching in different places. Each time we held a service we were in a place that was 95% Hindu or Muslim.

I’ve heard a phrase most of my life that goes like this: The cross is offensive.

The idea behind the phrase was if you preached the cross of Jesus you would offend people. I disagree. I don’t think the cross is offensive at all.

In fact, over and over again I met people who were incredibly open to the Christian message.

The cross isn’t offensive. What’s offensive is people who claim to have faith in the cross but act nothing like the Man who hung on the cross.

That’s what a curious, questioning world simply can’t swallow.

Have you found this to be true?