A Little Perspective

Have you ever heard the term one of “those” days?  It’s usually not used to describe a good day or a productive day. We usually use this term to describe a day that is less than spectacular. I bring this up because yesterday was one of “those” days.

It’s the kind of day you wish you could have slept through the entire thing or taken a pill at the end of the day so you could pretend it never happened.

It wasn’t a catastrophic day. It was just one of “those” days.

You know, a day where nothing is effortless or turns out the way you thought it was going to turn out.

As I pulled into the driveway I prayed the prayer I pray almost everyday, “God, I’ve given almost everything I’ve got today. I’m tired and depleted and God I need you to renew me so I can go into this house and invest in the most important role I have as a husband and father.”

Within minutes I found myself on the floor being attacked by three of the wildest boys I know. They jumped, kicked, hit, and literally beat the life right back into me.

It’s amazing how just a few minutes wrestling with them brings such amazing perspective to the rest of my day. And it’s funny how a little perspective turns one of “those” days into an opportunity to be thankful for so many of the missed blessings that exist from moment to moment.

When you’re having one of “those” days what brings you a little perspective?