The Offended

I’ve noticed lately an increased awareness of just how easily it seems most Christians can get offended (and yes, this can certainly include me).

I talk to people all the time who are just outraged at what SOMEONE HAS…


As I listen to their story I’m often reminded how our fragile egos and defensive theology cause us to mistranslate, blow situations out of proportion, and simply believe the worst.

Ken Keyes once said,

More suffering comes into the world by people taking offense than by people intending to give offense.

The offended ones almost always feel the need to offend back those who they think have offended them.

Then the presumed offenders feel the need to defend themselves against the assumed offense thus creating a vicious cycle that hardly resembles the Kingdom of God.

I know this sounds a bit naive but what happened to…

Giving people the benefit of the doubt.
Believing the best in people.
Forgiving others in the way you want to be forgiven.

TRUTH MOMENT: On a scale of 1 to 10 how easily are you offended?