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A Hospital Visit and the Result…

I spent much of yesterday laying in a hospital bed. I started having contractions, which I shouldn’t be having at 25 weeks of pregnancy.

I was never really nervous. I felt peace and knew God would allow everything to be okay…and He did. I did leave the hospital though, feeling ever grateful for the little things in life that we often take for granted:

A spouse who cares for us and serves us. A child who looks at us like we are the coolest thing that ever happened.  A friend’s self-sacrificing act. An unborn child protected by God. A life given in sacrifice.

I find it to be no coincidence either, that as I am feeling overwhelmed with all we have to be thankful for, it also happens to be Memorial Day weekend.

I’ve never understood how mega-retailers and small town shops alike, equate deep discounts and “slashing prices” on refrigerators with honoring those who have given their life in sacrifice. Maybe it’s just me..

Regardless, I am thankful for those who have fallen in the pursuit of freedom and service. I am grateful for the sacrifice made by so many families–sacrifices, that I admit, I am perhaps too selfish to make.

This Memorial Day weekend what are you thankful for? What little thing that often slips your attention is actually worthy of praise? Do you have any fallen soldiers or even veteran’s who you would like to honor? Please do so in the comments.

P.S. I was asked by the too-cool David N. Miles to be a part of his Feature Friday, where he highlights a particular blogger. Woo hoo! Please check it out and leave some comment love.

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Nicole Cottrell is trained in the fine art of button-pushing. She uses her skills daily on Modern Reject where she writes about the intersection of faith and culture as well as the unpopular stuff no one else likes to talk about. Nicole is a speaker, writer, discipler, and coffee fanatic. She and her husband planted the Foundation, a network of house churches in Arizona. Nicole lives in Scottsdale with her husband and two little munchkins, three of the coolest and funniest people she knows.