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5 Ways to Guarantee a Mediocre Life

Some day you will look back at the end of your life here on earth. You may or may not have time or make time to stop and reflect on your life. If you do have or make time to stop and reflect, you will likely say one of two different things about the time you spent. The first thing you could say is, “I gave it all I had, and I had as much impact on the lives of others as possible with what I was given.” The results will look different for everyone, depending on their abilities and gifts. You may be able to say this.

On the contrary, the other thing you may be forced to say is, “Um…I sort of drifted by on a river of mediocrity. I didn’t really do a whole lot with what I was given.” The Mediocre Life. This could be you. And if floating down that river of nothingness gets you excited, I can guarantee you a way to get there. Yep, guarantee it! Here are 5 Ways To Guarantee a Mediocre Life:

1. Do a TON of different things, but don’t do any of them that well. This is a great way to live a mediocre life. Sticking with something important is way too difficult; it is much easier just to drift on to something else. Something more comfortable. Something that doesn’t require sacrifice.

2. Engage with MANY different people, but don’t build significant, meaningful relationships with anyone. This is a great way to slide by in life. When you alienate yourself from close relationships, you don’t have to change. You don’t have to be accountable to anyone. You can just be comfortable. Mediocre.

3. Say YES every time you are asked to do something, even it is isn’t what you are passionate and gifted to do. Allow guilt to guide your decision making, not what you value or have decided ahead of time is most important.

4. Allow FEAR to dominate your thinking. When you are afraid of failing, believe and accept that failure will likely become reality. Don’t dream. Dreaming is for kids and the naive.

5. Don’t set challenging GOALS. Ever. A great way to ensure that you won’t achieve your goals is to not set any. Don’t write them down. Don’t push yourself. Just react to your environment.

Sounds like fun, huh? Mediocrity. Comfort. Cruise control. These 5 things will get you there. Or you can just not think about it, that might work for you too…

What are some other ways to guarantee a mediocre life? Love to hear your thoughts in the comments…