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Ted Dekker on Creativity and Imagination

Hands down, “STORY” is one of the most creative, challenging, and all around most exciting conferences out there. The theme for 2011 is IMAGINE NATION, which speaks to the power of spiritual imagination. In Exodus 35, the artists of Israel came together to build a dwelling place for God. They carved poles, fashioned gold, and constructed curtains “with cherubim woven into them by expert hands.” The job of these artists was to envision the Kingdom and use their gifts to heighten people’s spiritual imaginations. An Imagine Nation.

Join a tribe of creative artists attempting to learn more about their craft, storytelling, and imagination. One of the storytellers at STORY this year is NY Times best-selling author Ted Dekker. Dekker’s novels have sold over 5 million copies worldwide, and I’m excited to share this interview we did with Ted.

1. What is your best personal definition of a STORY?

A story is an exploration, a clawing at the cracked earth of my experiences in search of a well of life that’s buried somewhere below the surface.

2. What is one way you have found to grow or engage your imagination?

Experiences. I write to explore and discover so I go in search of life. I immerse myself in living because it’s out of that that story emerges.

3. In your experience what is the best nontraditional form or STORY telling you have seen, heard, or experienced?

I don’t know if it’s non-traditional, but I would say dance. No doubt about it. It is one of the purest forms of expression that can communicate humanity in truly unexpected ways. It moves me like nothing else can.

4. If you could encourage a creative person with one tip on being imaginative, what would you tell them?

Be fully awake and pay attention. The most imaginative people in the world simply observe life more closely than everyone else and are willing to ask honest questions.

5. What is one thing you are excited about sharing with the tribes attending STORY 2011?

I’m most excited about encouraging them to discover life through their art by telling the truth. A lot of art created today, particularly by people of faith, borders on propaganda. It’s created with an agenda in mind other than telling the truth.

If you’re a writer, filmmaker, artist, performer, entrepreneur, church leader, communicator, or other type of creative, you won’t want to miss STORY 2011. To register, visit HERE, or if you need a little more information visit the STORY site.

So we asked this question to Ted, but I would love to get your thoughts…

If you could encourage a creative person with one tip, what would it be?