With Every Breath

Worship can be practiced with each and every breath we take. Don’t make the mistake of worshipping God one day a week and totally missing him the other six days. Don’t make the mistake of acknowledging his presence for thirty minutes during your morning quiet time and then ignoring him the other twenty-three hours and thirty minutes left in your day.

Hebrews 13:15 tells us, “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise”.

Worship can happen while I’m driving down the road.

Worship can happen when I stop and stare at the stars in the sky.

Worship can happen as I raise my voice to him alongside others.

Worship can happen while I’m watching my kids play.

Worship can happen any moment of any day because it’s simply my response to who God is and what he has done. It’s my acknowledgment that what I’m searching for comes from him and him alone.

I’m learning that I can’t limit my worship to music or buildings, to contemporary or traditional, or to just Sunday. If I want to get serious about transformation, I have to get serious about worship—and understand that it’s a way of life. Without worship, my life quickly shrivels into insignificant moments, purposeless living, and meaningless idol worship that leave me longing and lost.

When I’m regularly engaging in worship, I’m constantly reminded that there is an infinite, all-powerful, limitless God who is drawing me into his presence, where I’m constantly being shaped by his ever-present grace into something that resembles him more and more.

This worship gives me power when I’m weak, patience when I hurry, love when I’m angry, peace when I fret, and hope when I want to give up.

While he holds entire galaxies in the very palm of his hand and has simply thought us humans into existence, giving us life and breath and all things, he also invites you and me to enter into relationship with him, beholding him as he is so that we may become the men and women we so desire to be.

He invites us with each and every breath to remember that there is no other God. That there is a connection between his infinite worth, discovered in the practice and discipline of worship, and our own inner longing to love something supremely.

It’s only when we open our hearts to truly worship our Creator that we are set free to release the small gods who pretend to wield such power.