The Question of the Day

Your day today will more than likely be full of questions you’ll ask yourself. Questions like…

What do I want for lunch?

What should I wear?

Did I brush my teeth before I left the house?

There may even be some more serious questions like…

Do I really love my job?

Do I still want to live in this part of the country?

Will my blind date turn out to be a flop tonight?

Am I saving enough money for the future?

There are hundreds of questions that dance across our mind on a daily basis. But I want to propose that one of the most important questions you could be asking yourself today is…

Am I becoming the person I want to become?

Now, I’m not talking about looking at specific “snap shots” of your life but, in general, asking if you are becoming the right kind of person?

Am I increasingly becoming someone that is expressing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness and goodness to the people around me?

Is that me?

And if not. Why not?

I don’t have any answers today but I just know that in the midst of all the questions that will be formed in my mind today, I want to make sure that one is at the forefront.