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10 Things to Do When You Get Behind on Bible Study

Let’s face it.

Sometimes schedules jam-pack. Work spills over into rest. Clothes need to be washed.

While your intentions and organization may have started out on track, you may find yourself getting a little behind on the Bible study you signed up for.

You’re not alone. 

May I encourage you? Don’t give up! Even if you’re one-day or four-weeks behind schedule, God can and is doing work in your heart through what you’re learning. Will you keep pressing forward?

Here are 10 Things to Do When You Get Behind on Bible Study: 

1. Don’t be overwhelmed by how behind you are. Instead, read a few pages at a time and focus on that day’s homework or reading, even if that means stretching out the Bible study longer than planned.

2. Buddy up! Find an accountability partner to encourage you and for you to encourage to do reading and homework. Text, email, or call one another each time you sit down to do your Bible study as an easy reminder to the other person.

3. Replace T.V. or Facebook time with Bible study. Carve out time to spend in God’s Word by turning off the TV or putting down the phone. Be intentional about prioritizing Bible study.

4. Use prayer as a tool. Spend time in prayer asking God to help you stay focused. Ask friends and family members to pray for you, too.

5. Don’t give up! There are no rules, this is for your benefit and is a tool for you to draw nearer to God. Instead of getting discouraged, use this as an opportunity to dig deeper and grow closer to God.

6. Memorize a Bible verse each week. Select a verse from a passage you’re studying that week. Write it down and put in your car or your bathroom mirror as a constant reminder you to continue studying.

7. Take your study with you! As you stand in line at the DMV, have an extra minute in the car, or wait in between appointments at the doctor’s office sneak in a few minutes to work on your study. It also is a great conversation starter for the people you meet throughout the day and is a reminder to use what you’re learning throughout your day.

8. Ask family members to step in. If you find yourself overloaded on cleaning, meal prep, or laundry, kindly ask others to help complete those tasks in order to have a little extra time to catch up.

9. Set a goal. Make a plan of how many lessons it will take for you to get back on track. Then stick with it! Maybe even create a “Catch Up” day into your schedule each week to catch up on homework or reading where you are falling behind.

10. Be realistic about the time you’ve chiseled out for the study. Will you really have time after dinner? Will you really get up early before work? Make sure you commit to a time that will work for you. If you find you can’t squeeze in the time, consider stretching one lesson into two days. This will extend the study’s length, but will make completing the work manageable and realistic.

What advice do you have when you fall behind on your Bible study?