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Telling Your Dream Who’s Boss (Hint: It Isn’t You)

Last week, I asked what was keeping people from living their dream. Fear, by far, was the number one answer. A few people said money and family. But I believe at the root, fear even ties into those reasons. What did people need in order to chase their dream? Faith. Inspiration. And yes, money.

Here’s the thing.

Last night, I had dinner (well, I had cake) with some friends – two I had just met and two I’ve known a while. One of the new friends began talking about illusions we believe including the illusion of comfort. This person had been very successful at his career for years, and it fell away. He wishes during that time he had at least begun to pursue more of the things that were his dream. After it all ended, he and his wife moved to Nashville, and he jumped in head first into what he wanted to do. He wasn’t sure how it was going to work out, and it was terrifying not knowing what to expect. But day by day, it’s been okay.

And that’s the thing about dreams. If you chase them…they will work out. It may not look anything like you imagined. You may hit some massive obstacles or circumstances that put you on a detour and even make you question if you have what it takes, but if you believe Scripture is true, God will give you the desires he’s placed in your heart. He will finish the work you are set out to do. It’s not some out of context pipe dream. It’s truth.

You need to tell your dream that.

For some people, this means working in a career they love. For others, it may mean working in a job they hate in order to provide for a while. Living your dream doesn’t mean you turn it into a job or even a source of income. But it might. Careers and dreams aren’t mutually exclusive.

You have to know what that means for you
. Is it fear of failure that’s keeping you away? That’s not good enough. Jump. Do it anyway. Is it money? How can you begin to get creative with your budget and your income? Take baby steps. Save. Give. Do you feel limited by family? You’re with them for a reason. How does your dream pour life into them and maybe their dreams support you?

Taking these huge leaps of faith is never easy. Your job is not your provision. Neither is your dream. God is, was, and has always been. What’s the next right step you can take? For some, it may mean working extra hard at a job to begin saving or to learn skills or determination or persistence. For others, it may mean changing careers or where you live or what you view as success.

Whatever you do – work hard at it. You get one chance at this life, and you never know when it may end. Don’t wait another second to do something you know you were meant to do, even if it means asking for help or doing it in some small way.

It takes time. It takes years.