Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions 17 Powerful Good Friday Quotes That’ll Get You Ready for Easter

17 Powerful Good Friday Quotes That’ll Get You Ready for Easter

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9. “But there is one man in history whose last words not only tell us a great deal about Him, but also tell us a great deal about how we should live our lives.” From David Barnes in Famous Last Words

10. “If Good Friday were all there were, then we as Christians would be the most depressed and depressing people on Earth. But we know Good Friday is not the whole story, is it? We know that there is a resurrection Sunday. It is a day of victory. We call it Easter.” From Tom Shepard in Good Friday: Why?

11. “There is a cost to every gift and the Gift of Easter was bought and paid for on Good Friday.” From Denn Guptill in The Cost of Good Friday

12. “Good Friday is Good News, especially if we are experiencing something of the pain and anguish of Good Friday ourselves. God knows and God cares. God has been there Himself, in Jesus.: From Warner Pidgeon in Good News on Friday

13. “Heroes have emblems that identify them (Superman, Batman), I suggest that the cross is the emblem of our faith . . . it identifies us with our Christ.” From Mike Fogerson in Good Friday 2016

14. “The genuine existential certainty of God’s love for you by dying on the Cross is what enables coping with whatever God wants the outcome to be, be that joining Him in heaven.” From Paul Andrew in The Nailing of Jesus

Good Friday Quotes: God's Love

15. “The death of Christ on the cross has the power to forgive our sins and grant us salvation. By the stripes of Jesus we are healed from our sicknesses and diseases. Through His death on the cross we are delivered from the scourge of curses and receive the blessings of God. We receive comfort in all our sorrows because He carried our sorrows and grief on the cross.” Claude Alexander in What Jesus Accomplished on the Cross  

16. “And because of Jesus’ death on the Cross, for our salvation, we can now take our stand: not betraying Jesus, not denying Him, not judging Him, not condemning Him, not rejecting Him, not mocking Him, not cursing Him, not flogging Him, not killing Him–but standing there at the foot of the Cross with others who love Him, and putting our arms around one another for comfort and strength so that when we are asked later what happened we can say: ‘I was standing at the foot of the Cross… ” From Kenneth Sauer in It Is Finished

17. “Today we are filled with the stark reality that the cross is a symbol of death, death which was meant for us. On Easter, we see the joyous glory that the cross is a symbol of hope as we walk the road of life.” From Tim Zingale in Good Friday”

Bonus Good Friday Quotes

18. “See His great love again for you today child of God. He paid the price so that you would never have to be punished before a holy God. The very Son of God died for your sins, every wrong thought, action, deed. Imagine a room full of candles and as each one goes out, see the last one shining dimly in the room–the Son of God there dying for this dark wicked world. Then His light goes out. He has died for you and me. Bear in yourself these thoughts today, reflect on this awesome sacrifice of God Himself. Feel the pain and the wounds of Him who did such a thing for you and me.” From Greg Gordon in A Good Friday Meditation

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