Ask Malchus: Jesus Heals What His Followers Break

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But we’re also Peter in this story. We know that Jesus is gentle and lowly. We know that when a hoard of evil-doers comes after His kingdom that he’s likely to turn the other cheek instead of ball up his fist. And so we fain asking for permission while we swing our swords. After all, the kingdom must be protected. When the gentle and lowly Jesus is attacked we assume it He who is vulnerable and not our own conceptions of Him, so we go into attack mode. We think we’re defending Jesus but really we’re defending our own insecurities.

It’s telling that only a few hours after this attack will Peter actually deny the very One he claimed to be protecting. It’s always easier to fight for Jesus than it is to follow Him to Golgotha. When Peter himself was exposed and endangered at the hands of a mere servant girl he couldn’t bear his position. So he denied Christ.

When roosters crow, Peter remembers pain and grace. Pain from his own foolish disobedience. Pain from his pride. Pain from his own betrayal. But grace from the one who touched Peter at the very core of his being and restored him. Grace to call such a betrayer to further kingdom by stooping and feeding lowly sheep and not lopping off ear lobes.

When he touches his intact ear lobe, Malchus remembers pain and grace. Pain from the hands of a Jesus-follower. Yes, even pain from being on the side of Judas. Pain from one bearing a sword in the name of the crucified. But grace from the One who heals even those on the betrayer’s side.

We’re probably all a mixture of Peter and Malchus. At times we’re the ones doling out the pain—at other times we’re the ones receiving. At times both are present even in the same action. But one thing in common, we need and receive Jesus and his healing.

Jesus heals what his followers break, even if it’s their own hearts.

Here’s my ear, Lord.

Here’s my sword.

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Mike Leake
Mike Leake is husband to Nikki and father to Isaiah and Hannah. He is also the lead pastor at Calvary of Neosho, MO. Mike is the author of Torn to Heal and his writing home is

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