Home Pastors 4 Differences Between Being Prophetic and Just Being a Jerk

4 Differences Between Being Prophetic and Just Being a Jerk

When you read some of the prophets’ more graphic condemnations, it’s easy to lose sight of their overall message. But if you read through to the end of their prophecies, they always end on a promise of restoration and an invitation to redemption.

The prophets only used such strong words so that they could shake the people awake—catch their attention, so that they could be brought back into the fold. The prophets urgently warned their people of coming judgment. Not so that they could rub the people’s noses in it, but so that the people could avoid it altogether. Their singular mission was always redemption.

In fact, even when judgment became unavoidable because of Israel’s refusal to repent, the judgment always came with a promise of restoration and redemption. The prophets always reminded the people that their failure—no matter how horribly egregious—was never final. God would still honor his covenant with them. And he would eventually make all things new.

Prophetic voices are fighting for your redemption. Jerks speak only judgment over the lives of others.

God Uses Broken People to Heal the Brokenness of Our World.

Every generation of the Church has blindspots. Every generation of the Church tolerates, and even defends, its own set of sins and idols. So we will always need prophetic voices.

But a prophetic voice isn’t defined merely by its eloquence, its turn of phrase, its brashness, or its ability to mass market itself and build an audience. A prophetic voice is defined by brokenness.

And that’s because God only uses broken people to mend what is broken in the world. That’s how we know that it is really him who is at work within us.

We don’t need mighty individuals who will strong arm the Church into submission. We need meek leaders who are willing to speak the truth in love, endure the pain it costs them, and never give up on what God has called them to do.

This article originally appeared here and is used by permission.