Home Pastors Free Resources for Pastors Free eBooklet: "10 Ways to Lose Great Staff Members"

Free eBooklet: "10 Ways to Lose Great Staff Members"

Free eBooklet 

Download and share this eBooklet with your leadership team, 10 Ways to Lose Great Staff Members from Vanderbloemen Search Group.

From VSG, “In interviews, we always ask our candidates to talk about why they are leaving their current position or why they left a previous job. In many cases, their reasons for leaving are simply about readiness to take on a new and expanded role or a sense of God calling them to a new ministry. These are the good stories! However, sometimes we hear about toxic staff environments, unhealthy leadership cultures, and lack of intentionality in support and development of the team and individual that have led a highly gifted leader to look for healthier place to serve. The stories are remarkably consistent and instructive. So if you want to lose a great staff member, here are some ways to do it. “

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Resource provided by Vanderbloemen Search Group

Download Instructions: To download this resource, follow the directions listed at the download site.

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Daniel has been an editor with ChurchLeaders for several years. Daniel and his wife, along with an incredible team, helped plant Anchor City Church in San Diego—a third culture, multi-generational church who seeks to join the redemptive mission of God for our city and for the world. Daniel also serves on the advisory board of Justice Ventures International, a non-profit organization working to fight human trafficking and modern-day slavery around the world.