

Why Start New Churches When Many Fail?

It might be hard for you to tell from some of my writing, but I’m actually pulling for denominations to succeed. I want...

Photocopy This: 6 Reasons Why Context Informs Strategy

The American philosopher John Dewey said, “I should venture to assert that the most pervasive fallacy of philosophic thinking goes back to neglect of...

Popular Theories About Why Early Christians Considered Jesus Divine: Part 3

In my last two posts in this series, I examined two theories that seek to explain why the earliest Christians regarded Jesus as...

Egypt's Hosni Mubarak Steps Down

Hosni Mubarak finally resigned the presidency of Egypt after 18 days of protests in Cairo.

Study: The Religious Make Healthier Choices

A new Gallup poll shows the very religious are more likely to practice healthy behaviors than those who are non-religious.

Do You Dedicate Children of Unwed Parents?

A Memphis pastor has refused to baptize the child of unwed parents and hopes the decision sends a clear message.

Preaching the Only Thing that Matters

Is it so obvious we miss the core issue? Christianity is about being in relationship with Christ.

How Good Preaching Uses Personal Stories

Eugene Peterson says good preaching connects the personal stories of your congregation with the Grand Story of the Bible.

5 Ways Jesus Frustrated Bad Leaders

"Dear Jesus, we need you to stop..."

Church Trends with John Ortberg

"People are hungry to understand the connection between discipleship and doing justice."

Americans Think Half of Us Will Go to Heaven

New results from a study at Baylor Institute show what Americans really believe about who's going to heaven.

The Normal Christian Life?

Francis Chan challenges us to rethink our concept of "normal." Why isn't Biblical thinking the norm?

Preaching on Money? Choose the Right Theme

Discover fresh approaches to generosity and giving with these three practical suggestions.

Darrin Patrick: A Reply to Dr. John MacArthur

A Christ-centered response to criticism.

Linda Bergquist on the New Suburban Poor

Did you know that the Bible specifically references suburbs?

What Does “Church Campus” Communicate?

Does our terminology make it hard to accomplish our mission?

Mark Batterson: Holy Embarrassment

"Too often, we allow the fear of embarrassment to get between God and us."

8 Ways to Know It's Time to Quit

Sometimes, it’s more damaging to stay than to quit.

Free Sermon Series Package: Parenthood

"Whether they're bawling, crawling, walking, talking, driving you crazy or asking to drive your car, kids are a gift from God."

Tell Your Story: It Matters

Donald Miller and Phyllis Tickle discuss why the element of story is vital in good preaching.

Remains of Pastor’s Wife and Friend Identified; OK County GOP Chair...

News surfaced this week that Tifany Machel Adams is the GOP chair for Cimarron County, Oklahoma. Adams is one of four suspects charged with kidnapping and murdering pastor's wife Jilian Kelley and Kelley's friend Veronica Butler.

Rebecca McLaughlin on Whether Christians Can Agree To Disagree About Same-Sex...

Dr. Rebecca McLaughlin joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to talk about how church leaders can respond to common arguments that use the Bible to affirm same-sex relationships, the “why” behind God’s design for marriage, and the “beautiful and glorious vision” Christianity has for friendship.
