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Osteen: "Homosexuality is a Sin"

In an interview on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight, Joel and Victoria Osteen of Lakewood Church in Houston categorically call homosexuality a sin, but then followed up to say they’re not here to judge sin but rather to encourage people. Osteen, pastor of the largest church in America, said he has chosen to live his life by the Scriptures, and the Scriptures say that homosexuality “is not God’s best for a person’s life.” When Morgan countered saying he’d never heard Osteen even talk about sin at all, Osteen said he isn’t the judge of who’s good and who’s bad and “there are other sins in the Bible, too,” but he believes God can give people grace to change. Morgan responded that homosexuality isn’t like “the average addiction” and it’s much harder to change, and Osteen said “he doesn’t have all the answers” but keeps going back to what he reads in the Scriptures. The whole interview with Joel and Victoria Osteen will air on Wednesday night on CNN.