Home Pastors Articles for Pastors The Surprise Ending of Resurrection

The Surprise Ending of Resurrection

In some stories, hope is wrapped up in the obvious and tangible elements of the plot, but other times hope is revealed through a surprise ending or a twist — giving new life to the story in foreshadowed glory.

The Easter story is a vivid example that things aren’t always as they seem.

In a way, Easter is a celebration of the greatest story twist in history, one that’s so subversive it changes everything for all time.

It’s easy to gloss over the Easter story — we’ve heard it so many times — and forget the surprise and shock of the resurrection. It’s easy to read through the Gospels without that “aha” moment it really delivers.

We have the privilege of reading the resurrection into the teachings of Jesus — we know how the story ends — but for the disciples, the moments before the resurrection were steeped in fear, darkness and confusion. For the disciples, the resurrection provided an incredible twist — in Sixth Sense fashion — that made the story come alive in a new way … past experiences began to make clarion sense.

It changed everything.

Eugene Peterson explains it like this in his book Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places: “The Christian life begins as a community that is gathered at the place of impossibility, the tomb.”

The scandalous plan of God, revealed in the death and resurrection of Jesus, reveals to us that what we see is not all there is. Easter tells us that a man convicted is not really guilty, that a cruel instrument of torture and death is really a symbol of remarkable hope and grace; it also tells us that an empty tomb is what we should have expected all along.

On the surface, the story of Easter reveals a plot by the religious leaders of Jesus’ day to take down a rebel once and for all. As Jesus is handed over to the authorities, the picture that’s painted is that Caesar is king, his kingdom rules and the Roman cross would have the last say.

Even homeless peasants with an unusually impressive following and a supernatural track record would be trumped by the empire for rebelling. 

The path to the cross was a willing conviction accepted by God in the most subversive act on Earth — a conspiracy to take on the sin of the world and launch a counter-kingdom that would overthrow every worldly empire. Not by violence or brute force, but by love and sacrifice — through Christ.

Colossians tells us that with each step Jesus was making a public spectacle out of the pseudo powers and authorities and that, with the cross, he was triumphant.

What looked like defeat was actually ultimate victory.