Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 5 Things We Do Today Instead of Preaching the Word

5 Things We Do Today Instead of Preaching the Word

5. Abbreviating

“Twenty minute sermons”

I don’t know how it works at your church, but for us it takes five minutes to set the rig up and another five or 10 minutes to take it down. If you’re only preaching for 20 minutes, that gives you five minutes to drill. You’re not going very deep, are you? It takes some time.

Romans 10:16: Jesus said, “He who hears you, hears me.”

“He who hears you,” Jesus said, “hears me.”

Yet there’s no pridefulness, is there? It’s so humbling. It’s a crushing weight, isn’t it? I tell people the weekly message preparation is the crucible of my sanctification. Never get in a habit of getting up in the pulpit when things aren’t square everywhere. That by itself will keep you going in the right direction. “He who hears you, hears me,” Jesus said. I love that challenge—to be that person.