Home Pastors Articles for Pastors Homeless in Ohio Give to the Poor in Africa

Homeless in Ohio Give to the Poor in Africa

The Columbus Dispatch told a heartwarming story of a church food pantry program whose recipients decided to pool their meager resources and give to an even more needy missions program. A sign was posted in the food pantry at Vineyard Church of Columbus asking for donations to benefit lepers in Zambia, Africa, another of Vineyard’s ministries. The church’s senior pastor Rev. Rich Nathan said the men and women who attend the pantry, though many are homeless and needy themselves, collected their small donations and managed to bring $550 for the mission. Nathan said he was inspired by their actions: “The notion that those who are experiencing poverty in America would be concerned about extreme poverty (in other parts of the world) tells me these folks are the followers of Jesus. You don’t need a lot to be able to give to somebody else.”