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Majority of Americans Consider Religion When Voting

According to new LifeWay research results, nearly 70 percent of American voters take a candidate’s religion into consideration before voting. Thirty percent of Americans indicated they would be less likely to vote for a candidate with strongly expressed religious convictions, and 28 percent said it wouldn’t affect their choice at all. However, 21 percent of Americans said the impact on their vote would depend on the religion of the candidate.

Not surprisingly, Americans who call themselves born-again, evangelical or fundamentalist Christian are more likely to vote for a candidate expressing religious conviction compared to Americans who do not share their religious beliefs. Similarly, these Christians are more likely to select “depends on the religion” compared to those who do not identify with these beliefs. Americans who never attend a place of worship are most likely (67 percent) to say a candidate’s expression of religious conviction or activity would make them “less likely to vote for a candidate.” Only 3 percent would be more likely to vote for the candidate.

“Different people get a different picture in their mind when a political candidate shares or shows their religious convictions,” said Scott McConnell, director of LifeWay Research. “While some Americans warm up to this, many don’t see it as a positive.”

To review the complete results of the research, click here.