7 Things Pastors Should Never Say

pastor should never say
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6. I don’t need to go to counseling.

About a year ago, I started going to counseling. And about a year ago, I started wishing I had gone much, much sooner. As a pastor, I thought it was admitting weakness to go and talk to someone about my issues. I thought I would lose credibility if word got out I was seeking help.

In retrospect, I believe this is a lie from the devil and something pastors should never say. I wanted to deal with stuff on my own, but it didn’t work. I wanted to pray problems away because, after all, if I’ve got the Holy Spirit and the Bible; that’s all I needed. But that’s neither true nor biblical. The book of Proverbs is full of encouragement to seek the counsel of others.

There’s a pastor reading this who needs to go to counseling … who needs to go with his wife to counseling. I can say this because I’ve been there. Listen … overcoming that fear is nothing compared to the crap you will deal with if you continue to refuse help. It’s not a sign of spiritual maturity. It’s a sign of stubbornness and pride.

I have a great counselor, and she has been a huge help to me. I’ve learned about the issues behind the issue, and not in some weird, hyperspiritual, super-Freudian way. It’s just a healthy feeling.

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Michael Lukaszewskihttp://churchfuel.com
After two decades as a student pastor, church planter, senior pastor and leadership consultant, Michael Lukaszewski now leads the team at Church Fuel, an organization dedicated to providing insanely practical resources to pastors. He and his wife have three children and live in the Atlanta area. Learn more at churchfuel.com.

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