Home Pastors Articles for Pastors The Unique Impact of Smaller Churches

The Unique Impact of Smaller Churches

Other small churches are in transition areas, and the congregation has been steadfast to maintain a presence in their communities. Ministry can be difficult, but the church members serve faithfully.

Large Is Not Always Better

Perhaps one could argue that, if a smaller church were effectively reaching people for Christ, it would not remain small. Such an observation warrants a few comments.

First, some smaller churches are indeed not effective in their ministry beyond the walls of the church. But neither are some mid-size churches. Or larger churches. Or megachurches. Simply stated, ineffectiveness is not always related to size.

Second, many of these churches are in areas with a small population base. But relative to the community size, they are very effective.

Third, some smaller churches are in communities whose population is in constant transition. I spoke this past week with a pastor whose church is in a community dominated by a military population. He told me he had been at his church fourteen years and, in that time, he had almost seven different congregations. His church had reached a significant portion of the military community, but an equal portion had transferred to another place.

Thank You

As researchers and pundits of the church, people like me have to be careful that we do not so focus on the larger churches that we forget the faithful ministry of those who serve in smaller churches. God is doing in a great work in many of these 300,000+ churches.

So to all of you who labor and serve faithfully, please accept my deepest gratitude for all that you do for His glory. You have chosen to pour your life into a ministry that receives little earthly recognition. And though your ministry is not always easy, you know that your greatest reward comes from the One who has said emphatically that the last will be first.

Thank you members and leaders of smaller churches. I thank God for you, your lives, and your faithful ministry.