Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 6 Surefire Ways to Kill Your Church

6 Surefire Ways to Kill Your Church

1. Don’t have a clear leader, and let everybody call the shots.

I believe in having a team, but there has to be a clear leader.

I haven’t seen very many churches that are getting it done with two or three senior/lead pastors. As Brian, one of our executive pastors, says, “More than one head is a freak!”

2. Don’t have a clear vision.

The Bible says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there, and my friends, that’s what you call a huge mess.

3. Vote on everything because democracy in a church brings unity.

NOT! I have seen people wounded, churches held hostage, churches divided, and churches fall apart because they voted on everything. I believe, in most cases, voting in church doesn’t bring unity; it brings division, and it’s a quick way to kill a church

4. Don’t deal with problems.

There are problems that arise in every church.

When some pastors see a problem, they pretend it’s not there, and the problem just grows and grows until it is lethal. Some pastors pray and hope the problem will go away.

Sometimes, the problem can be taken care of through prayer, but many times, the problem will not be rectified until the pastor combines prayer along with confronting the problem in love.