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7 Ways to Improve As Pastors

This week I start a new journey.

I’m in a good place in life for this change. I’m old enough to have learned a few things but also old enough to know I have so much I need to learn. As I do with the start of a new year, only on a larger scale, I view transitions as an opportunity to make significant improvements in how I lead. I get a fresh start. There are a few things I want to do differently.

Here are 7 areas I want to improve in my new ministry position:

Celebrate more

I believe in celebrating. I would advise other leaders to do so. Occasionally, I take my own advice. Sometimes, however, I get distracted by the next opportunity and fail to adequately celebrate along the way. I want to do better.

Pray more fervently

I believe in prayer. I want to be a person of prayer. I surround myself with prayer warriors.

This time, I want to discipline myself to pray even more and see my ministry defined my prayers and the prayers of the church I’ve been asked to lead.

Stress less

Some would say I don’t stress at all. I tend to be fairly even-tempered. But that false appearance is only because I’m good at hiding my impatience at times. (Cheryl sees it unfortunately.)

This time, I want to trust more and stress less. After all, God is in charge, not me.

Be more disciplined

Again, people would think I’m fairly disciplined, and in many, ways I am. I’m not sure, however, if I’m always disciplined in the right areas. Maybe I should have titled this one “prioritize better.”

Either way, I want my life defined more by where I want to end up someday. The best way to do that is to live that way now.