Home Pastors Articles for Pastors My Two Pet Peeves About Church Leaders

My Two Pet Peeves About Church Leaders

I have two pet peeves about people in ministry: People that take everything too seriously and people that don’t take important things seriously enough…

On the one hand, you have people that take everything WAY too seriously. Read the comments section on many of the posts at MMI, and they are filled with a few people that take EVERYTHING way too seriously.

Take a recent post about Mark Driscoll and John Piper having fun with each other about whether or not most Christians would enjoy a new book written about the first five books of the Old Testament.

Driscoll said you’d have to be an ‘uber-geek’ to enjoy something like that. Piper joked back that it would rock everybody’s world to read this certain book. Fun comments, thrown around in jest. 

But some people took the jibes too seriously…pointing out that this is the problem with Christianity: people don’t dig in deep and learn things. Point well taken. But for crying out loud…stop taking every single thing so seriously.

Not everything is worth climbing on your high horse about. Lighten up.

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On the other hand, you have others who don’t take important things seriously enough. 

To this type of person, everything will work its way out in due time. There’s no need to be charged up about anything. No need to measure effectiveness. No reason to challenge the status quo.