Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 5 Secrets of a Graceful Exit

5 Secrets of a Graceful Exit

A strong first impression is the key to securing your dream job. Have you considered how significant your last impression is when it’s time for you to leave?

When that day arrives, keep a few things in mind as you depart. These secrets will ensure you’ve burned no bridges and you’re giving the respect you should while being honest with your employer (and with yourself).

Things to Do:

1. Give adequate notice.

You know the ebb and flow of your organization. In some cases, two weeks may be enough. Maybe a couple extra weeks would be helpful. When you do give your notice, do it in writing. If you have any negative emotions, keep those out of your resignation.

2. After you give your notice, don’t check out.

It’s easy to want to take it easy for the last few weeks. However, do respect your coworkers and your replacement by performing your job at full capacity until you walk out the door the final time.

Don’t Miss

3. Give a clear explanation why you’re leaving.

If it has become a toxic environment, kindly explain the disconnect. Your feedback will allow the organization space to improve, if necessary.

4. Send notes of appreciation to anyone you interacted with regularly.

Make sure to include a way to stay in touch, if you desire contact after you leave. Let these people know how they positively influenced you.

5. Reflect on your time.

As with any job, you’ve grown professionally. Recognize the things that had a significant impact on your growth and continue to pursue similar tasks. Acknowledge the ways you’ve developed and also the opportunities you have to grow.

These are five steps to exiting gracefully.

Have you experienced a graceful exit? How did the leader exemplify grace in his or her exit?

Now, here are five things not to do when exiting your role in order to avoid a disastrous exit and leave as gracefully and professionally as possible.