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Church Hoppers, Sno-Cones and Spiritual Gluttony

The hard-core hopper never even makes an initial commitment. They perpetually float between churches, pursuing a Beth Moore study at First Baptist, youth group at First Methodist, weekend services at Hope, Grace, or Community Church, marriage enrichment events at…well, you get the picture.

What’s driving this?

For some, it’s simply the consumer mindset of our culture at work.

As Hart writes, “Church ‘hopping’ is the ultimate ‘all about me’ experience.” They take from various churches whatever it is they perceive to be of value without committing to any one church either to serve or support.

For some, it’s insecurity.

They have to be wherever they think it’s “happening” in the Christian world. I know of pastors who joke about a “migratory flow pattern” among Christians in their community who are constantly church-hopping to the “next” thing in church life.

They move from one church to another, looking for the next hot singles group, the next hot church plant, the next hot speaker, the next hot youth group.

Many times, they end up full circle where they began because their original church suddenly became “next.”

For some, it’s spiritual gluttony.

They want nothing more than to be “fed,” and when they feel they’ve eaten all a church has to offer, they move on where there is the potential for more food – as if that is what constitutes growing in Christ or being connected to Christ.

For some, it’s refusing accountability.

A pattern of sin is pursued or a choice made, and they leave for a place where no one knows, and no one asks.

For some, it’s avoiding stewardship.

If they are not committed to any one church, there is no obligation to give or serve at any one church. They can float above sacrifice without guilt.