Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 5 Reasons Voting Matters: Why Christians Should Engage Politically

5 Reasons Voting Matters: Why Christians Should Engage Politically

1. Jesus Is King, Here and Now.

Jesus’ Kingdom has begun.

In theological terms, this is called “inaugurated eschatology”: The new Age—the long-awaited “Age to Come” where God brings His saving and restoring rule to earth—has begun in Christ.

This is the surprising announcement in the Gospels—that in Jesus, God has become King on Earth … now. This Kingdom is a “now and not yet” reality, however, and we find ourselves living between two ages: this present “evil age” and the promised “age to come.” 

When the first Christians called Jesus “Lord” and “Savior,” they were taking titles that were used of Caesar—the greatest ruler of the known world in their day. They were basically calling Caesar a sham because Jesus is the true Lord and Savior.

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This doesn’t make Christians anarchists (people who don’t believe in government) or separatists (people who try to function independent of society).

Rather, it gives us a message and a grid for public engagement. Jesus’ Kingship is not a defense for apathy toward political engagement.

Believe me, I understand an overly politicized faith has left a bad taste in people’s mouths. And it is healthy to remember God is sovereign over all the nations regardless of election results.

But as people who believe Jesus is the only rightful King of this world now, the Church must be a prophetic voice to the rulers of this world, calling them to account to Christ as King. For us, this means calling politicians on both sides of the aisle to govern in a way that reflects Christ’s own wise and loving rule.


Set aside your own economic theory and political rhetoric for a moment and ask what Christ the King would say to the “rulers” of our day.Read Matthew 5-7 and 25 for an idea. Then ask how you can be that kind of voice to them.