Home Pastors Articles for Pastors Better a Glutton than Gay? Picking and Choosing Our Sins

Better a Glutton than Gay? Picking and Choosing Our Sins

He loved sinners so much that he ate with gluttons and drunks and prostitutes and maybe even homosexuals.

He loved sinners so much that he believed that love, extreme radical irrational love, covered a multitude of their sins.

He loved sinners so much that he was willing to be beaten, ridiculed and nailed to a cross where he died for them.

He loved this arrogant, gluttonous, lust-filled sinner so much that he died for me. And for you. And for the sinner of whom you and I don’t approve.

Perhaps instead of making statements and passing laws and boycotting stores, the most potent way we can combat “their” sin is to love God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength and to love our neighbor—our fat, gay, alcoholic, porn-addicted neighbor—as ourselves.