Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 9 Ways to Know You’re a Happy Church

9 Ways to Know You’re a Happy Church

5. A high proportion of the membership was actively involved in ministry.

When church members are doing the work of ministry, they have a sense of fulfillment and joy. When they aren’t, they often have extra time on their hands to be divisive.

6. Business meetings were brief and friendly.

These meetings were rarely a time of infighting and complaining. To the contrary, most of the members were too busy doing ministry to be negative (see #5).

7. A high proportion of the members were in a small group or Sunday school class.

Community grew in these small groups. People who are true members of a community tend to be happier people.

8. The pastor’s time in the Word was protected.

It is easy for a pastor to yield his time in the Word to the tyranny of the urgent. Thus, he becomes frustrated as he has to rush to complete a sermon, or as he does not have sufficient time to do the sermon well. The members likewise become frustrated because they don’t feel like the pastor is feeding them. A happy church makes certain that the pastor has adequate time every week to be in the Word.

9. The pastor had a small informal or formal group to whom he was accountable.

This group included those members who clearly loved the pastor. They offered both encouragement and accountability for him. The interchange between this group and the pastor was frank, transparent and, overall, healthy. And all communications took place on an unmistakable foundation of love.

How do these nine characteristics compare to your church? What would you add? Which of the nine “jumped out” at you the most?