Home Pastors Articles for Pastors Do You Make These 5 Speaking Mistakes?

Do You Make These 5 Speaking Mistakes?

4. “Insider” language.

Acronyms should be banned from speaking presentations.

At my organization, we have one acronym for every molecule that exists in our building.

Those who are on the inside may think it’s okay to use acronyms with other insiders. The problem is that the pattern of speaking develops into a habit that will creep into external presentations.

Indeed, good speakers avoid acronyms and insider technical words unless they are clearly explained to the audience.

5. Insufficient pathos.

Aristotle divided the means of persuasion into three categories.

Ethos is used to establish the credibility or character of the speaker.

Logos means persuading by reasoning or logic.

Pathos means persuading by appealing to the reader’s or hearer’s emotions. Too few speakers attempt to speak to the hearts of the audience through personal illustrations, humor or captivating stories.

As a consequence, the presentation is often deemed dry and boring, regardless of the quality of the content.

I continue to be a student of effective communication. I still have a long way to go.

What could you add to this list? What stories or examples do you have of either effective or ineffective speaking?