Home Pastors Articles for Pastors When Leaders Must Pull the Plug on a Ministry

When Leaders Must Pull the Plug on a Ministry

The “Founders” are Driving it, but the “Populace” is Not.

Success of an idea is measured down the flowchart.

If the founders or inner circle are for it, but the employees are not, it might be time to cease and desist.

How long do you wait before pulling the plug?

This varies. The skill in being a leader is not acting rashly, nor being too slow.

Having said this, a leader should always be one step ahead. You need to realize something is dead before they do.

What if others don’t see it?

As a leader we have two options once we know a decision needs to be made.

1. Make it and lead the way.

2. Bring others along on the journey, helping them reach the same conclusion.

Remind yourself of the times when this has not happened. We all can remember programs or initiatives that ran well past their prime and actually became painful.

Pull the plug before it gets painful!

Different decisions require different methods, but as a leader you ultimately need to know when to pull the plug.

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