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Should Pastors Be “Nice Guys”?

Insecurity makes us speak negatively of others and makes us look for the worst in others. We do this because it makes us feel better about ourselves.

Help for insecure pastors: Go to counseling and read The Search For Significance by Robert S. McGee, especially the parts about the performance trap, approval addiction and shame. We are much more pleasant when we see the best in others and find confidence in the fact of our forgiveness in Christ. This breeds a God-confidence that is inspiring to others and empowering to us. Insecurity will rot away at you like a cancer: Deal with it quickly!

Some of us have succumbed to the “business-creep.” 

What do I mean? ”Business-creep” is when books and best practices from the business sector begin to influence the way we lead our churches more than the servant leadership of Christ in the Bible.

PLEASE HEAR ME: I’m not saying business books and practices are bad. Some of my favorite business books are Good to Great, The Advantage, The Speed of Trust, Inside the Magic Kingdom, First Break all the Rules and Entreleadership. I’m a firm believer that all truth is God’s truth, so we should implement the truths we learn from the business arena.

However, we should never let the principles of business trump the principles of Christ-likeness. As pastors, we can sometimes put the bottom line before people. That makes us unlikable, but it also makes us sinners. When we treat human resources like resources instead of humans, we err on the side of worldliness and that breaks the heart of God.

We must not allow the “business-creep” to cause us to harm people.

Help for Pastors who struggle with the “business-creep”: Read Love Works by Joel Manby. This unique business book is written from the belief that the best business model is built on 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. It’s a powerful book about the way biblical love can and should shape us as leaders. Biblical love is not “soft,” so it addresses hiring and firing from the perspective of grace and love. This is a book that all of us as pastors need to read and implement. By doing so, we will be more capable leaders who are at the same time attractive to others for the sake of Christ.

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Alan Danielson is the Lead Pastor of a church that’s probably a lot like yours. New Life Bible Church is a church of a few hundred people, but not long ago he was on the executive staff of Life.Church in Edmond, OK. Now, along with pastoring New Life, Alan is a consultant and has worked with many of America’s largest churches. Despite this, Alan has a passion for the small church. That’s why he lives by the personal conviction that no church is too small for him to work with. Alan founded Triple-Threat Solutions to help leaders of and churches of all sizes grow. Learn more from Alan at http://www.3Threat.net.