Home Pastors Articles for Pastors Is Your Church for INSIDERS? 6 Key Indicators

Is Your Church for INSIDERS? 6 Key Indicators

3. No Directions.

At one church I visited, I had no idea where to take my children. Everyone else seemed to know where to go but us.

When we asked for help we were told to go to the “B Building.”

While the person who helped us was polite and came off as genuinely interested in helping us, I had no idea what or where the “B Building” was. Even worse, there was no signage directing us to the “B Building” or anything else for that matter.

You’d be amazed at how well-placed, clear, directional signage and calling things what they are (i.e. Children’s Center, Student Center, Office, Worship Center) can help guests find their way on your campus.