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Philadelphia Abortion Provider Found Guilty in Three Babies' Deaths

As reported by The Washington Post, abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell was convicted of three counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of three infants born alive at his West Philadelphia clinic. He was also found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the 2009 death of Karnamaya Mongar, 41, who died from an overdose of anesthesia while in his care. 

When the jury reconvenes for sentencing next week, Gosnell, 72, could face the death penalty. Gosnell was also convicted of other charges such as conspiracy and running a corrupt organization, two dozen counts of performing abortions beyond the state’s legal limit of 24 weeks, and 227 counts of failing to observe the state’s 24-hour waiting period before performing an abortion. The verdict was delivered after a two-month trial and 10 days of deliberations.

A 300-page grand jury report described Gosnell’s clinic as a “house of horrors” with unsanitary conditions, broken equipment, and untrained, unlicensed staff. An NBCNews.com story gave a grisly description of the storage of fetuses in cabinets, freezers and on shelves.

Lawyers for the defense said that Gosnell was “disappointed and upset” at the verdict, although in the courtroom observers remarked at how calm he seemed. Jurors will return later in the month to decide on whether or not Gosnell should receive the death penalty or life in prison.