Home Pastors Articles for Pastors Beware of ANGRY Pastors

Beware of ANGRY Pastors

Yesterday, I had a phone call from a search committee chairman inquiring about a certain pastor. Among the things I was able to tell him was this: In spite of a difficult pastorate where my friend now serves, he has retained his joy in the Lord and a healthy perspective on ministry. He is angry at no one, and loves them all.

That’s the kind of person I want as my pastor.

It’s the kind of pastor I want to be.


A friend suggests that Dr. Wayne Oates, longtime seminary professor in Louisville and widely acclaimed teacher of counselors, had something special to say on this subject in his book Behind the Mask. (I’ve just ordered a copy of that 1987 book.)

The following are notes from my friend’s blog, which he attributes to Dr. Oates …

The angry pastor wants people to fear him. He is antisocial. Prides himself on his bluntness. Intimidation is his first tool of choice in relationships. He loves a good fight. His motto is, “I don’t get angry; I get even.” He’s vindictive and people fear him, are afraid to confront him or cross him.

Manipulation and coercion become his tools of conquest. Everything is about him.

How to deal with him:

a) Tell him ‘no’ firmly and solidly.

b) Refuse to be frightened by him.

c) Use gentle humor with him. Gentleness is the believer’s great strength, a lesson this bully has never learned.

I’m grateful for these insights.