Home Pastors Articles for Pastors Why Leadership ISN’T about Being Right

Why Leadership ISN’T about Being Right

When You Go To The Hill.

Good leadership determines not only which hills to die upon, but it also chooses the timing of when to ascend those hills for battle.

Let me give you some strategic experiences you should go through before you ascend the hill.

Leadership has to be clear. 

One of the biggest mistakes of church leadership is assumption. We cannot assume people understand our vision. We must make it clear.

Processes have to be thorough. 

Have you gone through the various networks of decision making bodies on the issue at hand? Have you done your homework? Have you connected with the right players about the matter at hand to answer their questions or address their concerns? These questions are important to answer to ensure the processes have been clear.

God’s timing. 

Before you ascend the hill, you need to check the timing. The decision to ascend the hill cannot be made because of pressure from a special interest group in the church or because you would like to get the matter behind you. Don’t forfeit your leadership on the altar of poor timing. It has to be God’s timing.

Wisdom is exercised when you have been clear and know it, the process has been thorough, and you have waited on God’s timing to ascend the hill.

A wise leader will always do things in God’s timing, in God’s way, by God’s Word. If you have worked through these issues and you stand in confidence, you have no other choice than to ascend the hill. Therefore, ascend with confidence in God’s Word, power from God’s Spirit and love for all people you want to join you on the hill.

From one minister to another: Not every hill is worth dying on.