Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 5 Things All Christians Should Know How to Do

5 Things All Christians Should Know How to Do

4. Manage their resources.

We all have been given the big three to manage: time, talent and treasure. The idea of comprehensive “stewardship” is often reduced to tithing. Not to disparage the importance of that discipline in any way, but it is making something radically comprehensive a bit truncated. True stewardship involves managing not only financial resources, but all of our material assets, as well as our time, abilities, skills and spiritual gifts.

Helpful Reading: Randy Alcorn, The Treasure Principle.

Sample Teaching Series: “MapQuest: Journeying to Financial Freedom” or “My New Year’s Revolution”

5. Worship.

The act of worship is more than singing a song. It involves a preparation of the heart and mind, and then the engagement of prayer and Word, song and gift, sacrament and symbol. But how do you worship God in spirit and truth? If nothing else, people should understand how to embrace and engage the great sacraments of the church.

Helpful Reading: Ralph Martin, Worship in the Early Church and The Worship of God.

Sample Teaching Series: “Live Out Loud” (Baptism) and “Communion Weekend” (The Lord’s Supper)

I know, there are more than these five we should know how to “do.” And I also know that a fulsome understanding of discipleship should never be reduced to training along these lines.

But still …

Don’t you think we all ought to know how to do at least these five?