Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 10 Tips for a Successful Church Visit

10 Tips for a Successful Church Visit

I love visitors at our church. Thankfully, we are in a season of seeing dozens of visitors each week. It excites me.

Through the years, I’ve observed church visitors and how they go about discerning the right church for them. There isn’t a “system” for doing this … and I don’t think there should be … but I have developed some suggestions for people based on what I’ve observed.

With that in mind …

Here are 10 tips for visiting a church:

1. Check out the website.

Most churches now have a website. It’s the first place people seem to go to when checking out our church.

Look through it as you’re discerning whether or not a church fits your family’s needs. The pages that seem to get the most attention are the staff page, age-graded ministries and anything about what we believe or what to expect when you arrive. Pay close attention to the schedule of services or activities you plan to attend.

2. Plan your route.

On a first visit, you’ll feel uncomfortable being late, so figure out ahead of time how long it will take you to get there.

By the way, it’s more uncomfortable for you if you’re late than us, so come in anyway, but avoiding doing so will make for a better first visit.

3. Arrive early.

Plan to arrive at least 10 to 15 minutes earlier than the service starts. You’ll want to find the best seat. You may need to get your family situated in their respective areas.

You may want to read some of the printed information made available before the service starts. You will be better acclimated to the room and more comfortable when the service begins.

4. Preregister if an option.

Lots of churches now allow you to register your children before arriving. It saves time and makes the check-in process smoother once you arrive.