Home Pastors Articles for Pastors You Want to Reach the Next Gen—Tech Can Help

You Want to Reach the Next Gen—Tech Can Help

1. We have to Re-engage.

My former pastor Tom Elliff, who now heads up the SBC’s International Mission Board, once said, “Christianity is always one generation away from extinction.” That generation could be Millennials.

The church is having a tremendous challenge keeping and connecting this vital generation. We can’t pretend this isn’t happening. We can’t simply sit back and let this happen.

It is time for the church to take action to re-engage with Millennials.

2. We have to Re-Think.

It’s not about changing our message, but changing our methodologies.

While some might see reaching Millennials as a challenge, we need to see it as an opportunity. Many Millennials face continued uncertainty. We with The Gospel have a certain and sure word that gives true hope in the midst of the current uncertainty.

Our message continues to be relevant. We simply need to re-think how we get that message out.

3. We have to Re-Tool.

We need to be where they are. Clearly, this Barna study and others have pointed out how digital and technologically driven Millennials are.

The Apostle Paul always went were the people were. Would he not be online today? Would he not be engaging Millennials on Facebook, Twitter and other mediums?

In addition to that, churches need to have online giving set up as Millennials typically never carry cash or checks with them. Like it or not, it is a technological generation, and if we are to reach them, we must re-tool our systems for our message to be heard.

David Kinnaman, president of Barna Group, concluded the report by saying … “One of the most positive trends among Millennials is that they want faith that is holistically integrated into all areas of life—including their technology. How the church acknowledges and engages the digital domain—and teaches faithfulness in real-life to young adults as well—will determine much about its long-term effectiveness among Millennials.”

Clearly, the opportunity is there for the church to engage this generation. The question for us is, will we do what must be done?

What is your answer?