Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 11 Ways Leaders Wreck Their Churches

11 Ways Leaders Wreck Their Churches

2. Hogging the spotlight.

In our celebrity-driven, social media culture, it’s easier than ever to try to draw attention to yourself.

Best antidote? Push others into the spotlight. Align and equip people, and then let them lead.

3. An unwillingness to deal with your personal “junk.”

I don’t know a single effective leader who hasn’t been to counseling. I’m not making that up.

If you don’t deal with your personal junk—your issues and baggage—you will harm not only yourself but the people you love and lead.

Deal with your issues. Your kids, spouse and the people you lead will thank you.

4. Micromanagement.

I remember an elder’s meeting years ago where one of our elders looked at me and said, “I don’t know whether you’ll ever be able to let go.” I’ve never forgotten that.

The more I micromanage, the more I interfere with the mission and leadership potential of others. I wrote this post about the journey away from being a control freak.

5. Distraction.

Every day, there’s a battle for focus.

Stay focused on the ministry and mission. Not on the critics. Not on neat, shiny diversions. Keep your focus.

6. Not giving others permission to tell you the truth.

Many leaders say they want to hear what people think, but really don’t.

Here are two questions I’m starting to ask my direct reports every month:

Is there anything I have done or said in the last month that’s robbed you of your passion or energy for our mission?

If you were me, what would you do differently?

Thanks to Clay Scroggins for introducing me to those incredible questions.