Home Pastors Articles for Pastors It’s Time for Churches to Stop Lying

It’s Time for Churches to Stop Lying

When people have negative experiences in life (and the baggage to go along with it), it can be a great opportunity for us to provide a positive experience that counters the negativity and helps promote healing.

But, the first step is to recognize and acknowledge the problems that exist.

I recently read The Escape Adulthood Manifesto by Jason Kotecki. It’s very cool. I loved it. Download it. Read it. You’ll enjoy every minute.

It has little to do with this post, but as I was reading, there was a little section that paints a pretty accurate picture of the state of mind we are meeting people at when they come to our church. Dude, it’s the state of mind I’m at.

Honesty is certainly in short demand these days, in politics, in the media and in business. This lack of rectitude has left us all jaded and cynical, often leading us to doubt nearly everything we hear.

With high-profile court cases, political cover-ups, corporate scandals and extramarital affairs becoming so commonplace, we’re sometimes left scratching our heads wondering if anyone tells the truth anymore. We’re bombarded with spam, promising bigger this and smaller that. Diet gurus promise instant weight loss, and drug companies promise instant relief (at an outrageous price). Computer viruses come to us disguised as friendly messages from our closest friends. Politicians spin facts in order to get a rise in the polls and use the polls to compensate for their own lack of honest opinion.

Will it ever end?

So, are you running ministry decisions and your promotional efforts through this filter?

These simple, practical examples from real church promotions seem harmless enough …

1. “Come to this year’s women’s retreat where you’ll develop friendships that last a lifetime.”

OK. This is out of your control. Don’t promise something you just can’t guarantee.

I had a woman complain to me that she joined a ministry team to make friends. She was upset because the team didn’t have a lot of women and she hadn’t made any friends. She held the church responsible for false advertising.

Yes, her opinion is a little extreme. And, yes, it’s a little outrageous and unrealistic. However, it’s a recurring perspective we experience with people on their journey.

What can we do to help them along?