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Before You Post That Negative Blog About the Latest Christian Celebrity, Ask Yourself These 5 Questions

The new online world has flattened leadership. Most of the time, this is good, increasing accountability and allowing undiscovered talent to rise.

But there is a downside. Criticism now comes easier; with the click of a “send” button on a variety of media tools, you can “call out” Christians with whom you disagree. I would argue that a few rules should guide our online rebukes.

Here are five questions I try to ask myself before writing critically about someone:

1. Do I have all the facts? 

Proverbs 18:3 seems wise counsel in this social media age: “If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame.”

We mock news organizations when, in their rush to break news, they get the details wrong. But when Christians do this, pushing out accusations against people they either a) don’t know or b) don’t know except from afar, they look foolish, not only to those who do know all of the facts, but also in the sight of God.

We should be wary, really wary, about writing about, acting on, publishing information based on hearsay, half-truths, etc.

We shouldn’t simply read headlines and react to them. We should read the full story and know the whole truth before opining. Once the facts are out, there is a place for winsome, thoughtful critique. But we have to guard against a carnal desire to believe the worst about people with whom we disagree, which violates the law of love (1 Corinthians 13:7).

2. Am I the best person to write about it? 

Just because I’m a blogger and I have a Twitter account doesn’t mean I’m the best person to opine on someone else’s poor choices.

There is a carnal pride in being “the one who took down so and so,” but this is not the spirit of Christ. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have thoughtful, sober, robust engagement with ideas we consider unbiblical. What we believe matters. If God has given a gift of writing, speaking and teaching, we should employ those wisely for the good of His church.

But each of us must know his place.

There have been controversies about which I’ve had opinions, but I’ve not felt I was the best or most qualified person to write on them. There are others with more respected voices, whose platforms cry out for a response.

Sometimes it’s better to admit, “I’m not the best one to write on this.” Sometimes it’s wiser to simply retweet or link to someone who might be more thoughtful and biblical, whose experience and proximity to the situation is deeper than my own.