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How to Avoid Colossal Failure in Building Your Leadership Team

4. Chemistry.

A fourth issue has to do with chemistry, which is simply asking yourself, “Do you like them?” 

Yes, that’s a legal question. 

At Meck, we have a little thing called the “beer test.” 

Sorry if that offends you, but it’s just a way of cutting to the chase about where you stand with someone and has little to do whether you feel free to drink a Heineken or not. 

Here’s how it goes: 

At the end of a long, hard, grueling day of work together, would you like to go out and have a beer with this person? If the answer is “yes,” then they pass. If the answer is, “Are you kidding? The last thing in the world I would want is to see their face,”

… then they fail.

Think about how you feel when someone puts their head in the door on a Tuesday morning—are you glad to see them? Or does their very persona suck the life out of you? When you check your email and you see something from them—good feeling or bad? Do you read it first, or dread even opening it?

I make no apologies for hiring people I like. Life is too short to put yourself into a team that doesn’t work. I want to walk into each day enjoying the people I have to work with most intimately.

More importantly, good chemistry results in good teams and effective ministry.