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Revolutionary or Evolutionary? 5 Tips for Pastors in a New Role

The placement of pastors in churches is the major focus of what we do here at Vanderbloemen Search Group. So what should a pastor do during their first year with a church? 

One hears such conflicting views on this. Some say, “In the first year, the cement is still wet; this is your chance to make an impression before it hardens.” Others say, “Don’t change anything in the first year; simply build credibility.” So which is right? Is either of them fully correct? Should a first-year pastor be revolutionary—that is, make some fast, major changes? Or, should a first-year pastor be more evolutionary—go slow, making small incremental changes? While understanding that every ministry opportunity is contextual, let me suggest a few things for first-year pastors to consider while making any decision.

1. Understand the “economy” of leadership. 

Over 30 years ago, author and leadership authority Edwin Hollander made the observation that leadership is a lot like money in the bank; a leader makes deposits and withdrawals. Some pastors come into a new role with some credit already on deposit—maybe because they come with a well-known reputation. 

But how does a leader build deposits and credit in the leadership bank? Do the basics well! 

Prepare and deliver effective messages, invest in current staff and leaders, and shepherd the flock with care and love. 

A pastor who does the basics well will, in most cases, build up deposits in the leadership bank. 

How does a leader withdraw from his account? Bring innovation, make changes in programming or personnel, and be a leader! 

The more credit one has, the more freedom a pastor will have as a leader. But if a leader makes major changes without credit in the bank, they risk their leadership credibility in that church. 

2. Honor the past. 

Many people will interpret change as a value judgment on all that has gone on before, even if that is not the intent. 

If a pastor is following a successful leader, make sure to publicly honor the past. People will think, “OK, he values our past—maybe I can trust him with our future.”