Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 16 Smart Questions Church Leaders Must Ask

16 Smart Questions Church Leaders Must Ask

9. What is one church system that could be improved today?

Northpark Church recently created an “Online Connections Card” in order to more effectively communicate with our first-time guests.

We got the idea from The Creative Pastor.

Do your church a favor and read this awesome article that can help your church improve:

7 Innovative Ideas for the 21st-Century Church

10. Do I have the right people on the bus?

Is there someone you need to hire or fire?

The right decisions aren’t always the easiest ones.

11. Is church leadership adequately appreciating and recognizing our volunteers?

The church couldn’t function without faithful volunteers.

Our sister church, Bridgepointe, does a great job of recognizing volunteers.

12. If your church closed its doors tomorrow, would the community notice?

Are you serving “the least of these” in your city?  

Are you truly making an eternal impact?

Is the church being generous toward people and organizations that have little to offer in return?

13. Do I have a Paul, Timothy and Barnabas in my life?

Who are you learning from on a regular basis? Who are you are investing in? Who serves as your accountability partner and encourager?

I wrote an entire post on this topic, which you can check out by clicking here.