Home Pastors Articles for Pastors Why I STOPPED Doing Quiet Times

Why I STOPPED Doing Quiet Times

2. Pray aloud a Daily Prayer for your life and leadership.

I have included several examples of what these can be in my ebook Leading Wide Awake. You can get a copy here.

3. Do your Bible study and devotional reading.

This part holds what we traditionally think of as a “quiet time.”

4. Journal.

I encourage leaders to practice journaling in a very specific way—by really listening to their heart and simply writing down what it is saying, without any editing and without holding anything back. And then invite God to speak to it. Why do this? Because of Proverbs 4:23.

5. Look at your schedule for the day ahead and prayerfully ask three questions:

  • Is there anything in my schedule today that God wants me to change or talk with me about?
  • How will I step more fully into my mission today?
  • God, what else?

This entire process generally takes about an hour. It is best done in the morning before the day begins, or as the last thing at night before you go to bed. It is an essential daily practice for leaders to take possession of the territory to which God has called them.

At least, that’s what I believe.

How ’bout you? 

*For my friends who aren’t fluent in Christianese, “quiet time” refers to the daily habit of spending time alone focused on God, and the practices (such as Bible reading and study, prayer and journaling) that are typically associated with that time.