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Does Your Theology Wreak Havoc?

Good theology.

Theology comes from the words Theos and logia. Theos means God. Logia is word, discourse, logic or study. Thus, theology is the discourse on or study of God.

Doctrine comes from the Latin word, doctrina. It is translated from the Greek διδασκαλ?α (didaskalia) and means the content of what is taught.

Therefore, we could say Christian doctrine is the teaching about God that comes from the proper study of God.

Theologians aren’t just talking heads in the university who philosophize about God. We are all theologians. Some are just better theologians than others.

Maybe you’re already deeply committed to learning of God so you can speak of, relate to and praise him accurately. That’s great. For everyone else, what do you say we get our theology on?

Bad theology.

Perhaps you would like to share in the comments some bad theology you had to unlearn or repent of.

Here, I’ll even go first.

After I first became a Christian, I thought Jesus was the king of Heaven and Satan was the king of Hell. I thought the whole Christian enterprise was about us being caught in the middle of their kingdom war. While there is a tinge of truth to that, I eventually realized that while Satan may be the god of this world for a time, he is the king of absolutely nothing! Strange as it may sound, that was a giant paradigm shift for me.

And here’s another:

I also thought I could live any way I wanted, and then just before I died, if I could say a prayer of repentance quickly enough, I would get to go to heaven. I lived that way awhile; and it was a huge error in theology, with huge consequences!

OK, now it’s your turn.