Home Pastors Articles for Pastors Why Hope Is the Super-Fuel You Need

Why Hope Is the Super-Fuel You Need

3. Hope initiates. Hope sets you free to dream.

Nobody ever gets a dream without hope.

I know of many leaders around the world, some blessed with great resources and others who have almost nothing, who have made major impacts on their communities. They all have the one thing that nobody can do without—hope.

Their hopes have sparked dreams, and those dreams have brought into existence some incredible initiatives. Every one of those initiatives started with hope.

4. Hope activates. Hope is the fuel that makes the world a better place.

Like almost nothing else, hope has a way of unleashing compassion. This has proven true from the very start of the First Church.

One writer put it this way: 

Not only did the small band of discouraged disciples come out of their discouragement, they brought resurrection hope of Jesus Christ to Jerusalem, Ancient Rome, Modern Day Turkey, Northern Africa and they reached Western Europe all within three decades. 

Their followers went on to start the first hospitals, invented nursing, formed the first public libraries and world-class universities, shaped individual freedom, abolished slavery, elevated workers, women and children, promoted charitable giving, volunteerism and spread democracy.

In short, they became the world’s most effective agents of hope.

Hope is the fuel that makes the world a better place.

Hope helps people believe that they can make a difference, regardless of their circumstances.