Home Pastors Articles for Pastors Here's How Your Church Can Avoid the Summer Giving Slump

Here's How Your Church Can Avoid the Summer Giving Slump

2. Ask

Recently, my church did something we’ve never done before.

We received a completely digital offering (we didn’t even pass the offering plate).

For the four weeks leading up to this digital offering, we cast vision and asked 100 percent of our congregation to participate.

Then, the week of the digital offering, we emailed a short video explaining exactly how they could give via their mobile devices.

Here’s the instructional video we sent:

SecureGive Online Giving Demo from Northpark Church on Vimeo.

Our congregation responded, and over 90 percent of giving that week was received online.

Even more importantly, people were able to experience the numerous benefits of online giving firsthand.

3. Appreciate

When someone gives online for the first time, send them a short email saying “thank you.”

Here’s the exact email that I send, and it works:

Hey John,

Just wanted to say thanks for giving online this week.

In fact, it’s our preferred method of giving at Northpark Church! It allows us to be better financial stewards because it’s safe, secure, and provides better accountability.

If you have any questions about online giving or how you can automate your gift, don’t hesitate to let me know.

Be blessed,

Larry Poole
Director of Generosity

After sending this email, I find that the majority of recipients begin giving online.

It’s one of the biggest reasons that over 60 percent of our total giving this year has been received online.

You might not be able to regulate summer attendance, but with a bit of work you can regulate summer giving.

It works regardless of the culture of your church.

Making it more convenient for your congregation to worship God through their giving is discipleship at its best.

Not only will your church become better equipped to do ministry, but God will be glorified.

QUESTION: What’s holding your church back from receiving a digital offering and beating the summer slump?